Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
On well-posedness of time-harmonic problems in an unbounded strip for a thin plate model
- Bourgeois Laurent
- Chesnel Lucas
- Fliss Sonia
Some contributions to the analysis of the Half-Space Matching Method for scattering problems and extension to 3D elastic plates
- Tjandrawidjaja Yohanes
Discrete-type approximations for non-Markovian optimal stopping problems: Part I
- Leão Dorival
- Ohashi Alberto
- Russo Francesco
DOI : 10.1017/jpr.2019.57 -
Injectivity of the inverse optimal control problem for control-affine systems
- Jean Frédéric
- Maslovskaya Sofya
DOI : 10.1109/CDC40024.2019.9028877 -
Embedded and high-order meshes : two alternatives to linear body-fitted meshes
- Feuillet Rémi
Global optimization of polynomial programs with mixed-integer variables
- Lazare Arnaud
The Impact of Quadratization in Convexification-Based Resolution of Polynomial Binary Optimization
- Lambert Amélie
- Elloumi Sourour
- Lazare Arnaud
- Rodriguez-Heck Elisabeth
Asymptotic stability of the multidimensional wave equation coupled with classes of positive-real impedance boundary conditions
- Monteghetti Florian
- Haine Ghislain
- Matignon Denis
DOI : 10.3934/mcrf.2019049 -
Discrete-type approximations for non-Markovian optimal stopping problems: Part I
- Leão Dorival
- Ohashi Alberto
- Russo Francesco
DOI : 10.1017/jpr.2019.57 -
Outils mathématiques et algorithmiques pour le calcul scientifique
- Ciarlet Patrick
- Jamelot Erell
Coupled methods of nonlinear estimation and control applicable to terrain-aided navigation
- Flayac Emilien
Energy Decay and Stability of a Perfectly Matched Layer For the Wave Equation
- Baffet Daniel Henri
- Grote Marcus J.
- Imperiale Sébastien
- Kachanovska Maryna
DOI : 10.1007/s10915-019-01089-9 -
Mathematical models for dispersive electromagnetic waves
- Cassier Maxence
- Joly Patrick
- Kachanovska Maryna
Modeling multicrack propagation by the fast multipole symmetric Galerkin BEM
- Dansou Anicet
- Mouhoubi Saida
- Chazallon Cyrille
- Bonnet Marc
DOI : 10.1016/j.enganabound.2019.05.019 -
Invisible floating objects
- Chesnel Lucas
- Rihani Mahran
DOI : 10.34726/waves2019 -
Effective models for non-perfectly conducting thin coaxial cables
- Beck Geoffrey
- Imperiale Sebastien
- Joly Patrick
Recovering underlying graph for networks of 1D waveguides by reflectometry and transferometry
- Beck Geoffrey
- Bonnaud Maxime
- Benoit Jaume
An efficient domain decomposition method with cross-point treatment for Helmholtz problems
- Modave Axel
- Antoine Xavier
- Royer Anthony
- Geuzaine Christophe
Convolution quadrature methods for time-domain scattering from unbounded penetrable interfaces
- Labarca Ignacio
- Faria Luiz
- Pérez-Arancibia Carlos
DOI : 10.1098/rspa.2019.0029 -
Planewave Density Interpolation Methods for 3D Helmholtz Boundary Integral Equations
- Pérez-Arancibia Carlos
- Turc Catalin
- Faria Luiz
DOI : 10.1137/19M1239866 -
Reducing the Adaptation Costs of a Rolling Stock Schedule with Adaptive Solution: the Case of Demand Changes
- Lucas Rémi
- Alès Zacharie
- Ramond François
- Elloumi Sourour
Wave propagation in fractal trees. Mathematical and Numerical Issues
- Joly Patrick
- Kachanovska Maryna
- Semin Adrien
DOI : 10.3934/nhm.2019010 -
Modélisation de l'interaction fluide-structure lors d'une explosion sous-marine lointaine par méthode des éléments de frontière accélérée
- Mavaleix-Marchessoux Damien
- Chaillat Stéphanie
- Leblé Bruno
- Bonnet Marc
Recent developments on adaptive fast Boundary Element Methods to model elastic wave propagation in sedimentary basins
- Amlani Faisal
- Chaillat Stéphanie
- Loseille Adrien
An efficient domain decomposition method with cross-point treatment for Helmholtz problems
- Modave Axel
- Antoine Xavier
- Geuzaine Christophe