Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
Statistical mechanics of self-gravitating systems: Mixing as a criterion for indistinguishability
- Beraldo Leandro
- Lima Marcos
- Sodré Laerte
- Perez Jérôme
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.123004 -
Energy management method for an electric vehicle
- Granato Giovanni
- Bonnans J. Frederic
- Aouchiche K.
- Grégory Rousseau
- Zidani Hasnaa
Qualitative and Asymptotic Theory of Detonations
- Faria Luiz
Singular perturbation of optimal control problems on multi-domains
- Forcadel Nicolas
- Rao Zhiping
DOI : 10.1137/130916709 -
Finite Element Heterogeneous Multiscale Method for the Classical Helmholtz Equation
- Ciarlet Patrick
- Stohrer Christian
DOI : 10.1016/j.crma.2014.07.006 -
Robin-to-Robin transparent boundary conditions for the computation of guided modes in photonic crystal wave-guides
- Fliss Sonia
- Klindworth Dirk
- Schmidt Kersten
Commande optimale en temps minimal d'un procédé biologique d'épuration de l'eau
- Bouafs Walid
- Abdellatif Nahla
- Jean Frédéric
- Jérôme Harmand
DOI : 10.46298/arima.1978 -
The stochastic porous media equation in $\R^d$
- Barbu Viorel
- Röckner Michael
- Russo Francesco
DOI : 10.1016/j.matpur.2014.10.004 -
On the identification of defects in a periodic waveguide from far field data
- Bourgeois Laurent
- Fliss Sonia
DOI : 10.1088/0266-5611/30/9/095004 -
Gaussian and non-Gaussian processes of zero power variation, and related stochastic calculus.
- Russo Francesco
- Viens Frederi
Recent Advances in the Numerical Analysis of Optimal Hybrid Control Problems
- Ferretti Roberto
- Sassi Achille
- Zidani Hasnaa
Convergence of discontinuous Galerkin schemes for front propagation with obstacles
- Bokanowski Olivier
- Cheng Yingda
- Shu Chi-Wang
Contributions à la simulation numérique en élastodynamique : découplage des ondes P et S, modèles asymptotiques pour la traversée de couches minces
- Burel Aliénor
Reconstruction of Independent sub-domains in a Hamilton-Jacobi Equation and its Use for Parallel Computation
- Festa Adriano
Degenerate second order mean field games systems
- Tonon Daniela
- Cardaliaguet Pierre
- Graber Philip J.
- Porretta Alessio
Optimized Transmission Conditions for Domain Decomposition Methods and Helmholtz Equation. Application to Higher Order Finite Element Methods
- Collino Francis
- Duruflé Marc
- Joly P
- Lecouvez Matthieu
Finite element computation of leaky modes in straight and helical elastic waveguides
- Nguyen Khac-Long
- Treyssede Fabien
- Hazard Christophe
- Bonnet-Ben Dhia Anne-Sophie
Étude de deux problèmes de propagation d'ondes transitoires : 1) Focalisation spatio-temporelle en acoustique; 2) Transmission entre un diélectrique et un métamatériau.
- Cassier Maxence
The Jungle Universe: coupled cosmological models in a Lotka–Volterra framework
- Perez Jérôme
- Füzfa André
- Carletti Timoteo
- Mélot Laurence
- Guedezounme Laurent
DOI : 10.1007/s10714-014-1753-8 -
Acoustic inverse scattering using topological derivative of far-field measurements-based L2 cost functionals
- Bellis Cédric
- Bonnet Marc
- Cakoni Fioralba
Le piano rêvé des mathématiciens
- Chabassier Juliette
- Chaigne Antoine
- Duruflé Marc
- Joly Patrick
Modélisation numérique des guides d’onde ouverts : cas des structures élastiques courbes
- Nguyen Khac-Long
- Treyssede Fabien
- Bonnet-Ben Dhia Anne-Sophie
- Hazard Christophe
A stochastic Fokker-Planck equation and double probabilistic representation for the stochastic porous media type equation.
- Barbu Viorel
- Röckner Michael
- Russo Francesco
La singularité voilée
- Perez Jérôme
- Alimi Jean-Michel
Optimal control problems on stratifiable state constraints sets.
- Hermosilla Cristopher
- Zidani Hasnaa