
Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
Relaxed-inertial proximal point algorithms for problems involving strongly quasiconvex functions
- Grad Sorin-Mihai
- Lara Felipe
- Marcavillaca Raul Tintaya
Optimizing through change for cyber-physical and social systems
- Simonetto Andrea
An Outer Approximation Algorithm for 0-1 Polynomial Programming
- Mencarelli Luca
Global Solution of Quadratic Problems by Interval Methods and Convex Reformulation
- Elloumi Sourour
- Lambert Amélie
- Neveu Bertrand
- Trombettoni Gilles
An accelerated level-set method for inverse scattering problems
- Audibert Lorenzo
- Haddar Houssem
- Liu Xiaoli
DOI : 10.1137/21M1457783 -
The stochastic Auxiliary Problem Principle in Banach spaces: measurability and convergence
- Bittar Thomas
- Carpentier Pierre
- Chancelier Jean-Philippe
- Lonchampt Jéro͂me
DOI : 10.1137/21M1402467 -
Time Consistency for Multistage Stochastic Optimization Problems under Constraints in Expectation
- Carpentier Pierre
- Chancelier Jean-Philippe
- de Lara Michel
Minimizing recovery cost of network optimization problems
- Alès Zacharie
- Elloumi Sourour
DOI : 10.1002/net.22121 -
Relaxed-inertial proximal point algorithms for problems involving strongly quasiconvex functions
- Grad Sorin-Mihai
- Lara Felipe
- Marcavillaca Raul Tintaya
Achievement and Fragility of Long-term Equitability
- Simonetto Andrea
- Notarnicola Ivano
DOI : 10.1145/3514094.3534132 -
Long time behaviour for electromagnetic waves in dissipative Lorentz media
- Cassier Maxence
- Joly Patrick
- Rosas Martínez Luis Alejandro
Inverse problem for the Helmholtz equation and singular sources in the divergence form
- Baratchart Laurent
- Haddar Houssem
- Villalobos Guillén Cristóbal
Scattering in a partially open waveguide: the inverse problem
- Bourgeois Laurent
- Fritsch Jean-François
- Recoquillay Arnaud
Learning equilibria with personalized incentives in a class of nonmonotone games
- Fabiani Filippo
- Simonetto Andrea
- Goulart Paul J.
Optimization of a domestic microgrid equipped with solar panel and battery: Model Predictive Control and Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming approaches
- Pacaud François
- Carpentier Pierre
- Chancelier Jean-Philippe
- de Lara Michel
DOI : 10.1007/s12667-022-00522-7 -
New optimization models for optimal classification trees
- Alès Zacharie
- Huré Valentine
- Lambert Amélie
Convergence analysis of multi-step one-shot methods for linear inverse problems
- Bonazzoli Marcella
- Haddar Houssem
- Vu Tuan Anh
OpReg-Boost: Learning to Accelerate Online Algorithms with Operator Regression
- Bastianello Nicola
- Simonetto Andrea
- Dall'Anese Emiliano
A high-order discontinuous Galerkin Method using a mixture of Gauss-Legendre and Gauss-Lobatto quadratures for improved efficiency
- Chaillat Stéphanie
- Cottereau Régis
- Sevilla Ruben
An efficient numerical method for time domain electromagnetic wave propagation in co-axial cables
- Beni-Hamad Akram
- Beck Geoffrey
- Imperiale Sébastien
- Joly Patrick
DOI : 10.1515/cmam-2021-0195 -
Stochastic incremental mirror descent algorithms with Nesterov smoothing
- Grad Sorin-Mihai
- Bitterlich Sandy
Acoustic passive cloaking using thin outer resonators
- Chesnel Lucas
- Heleine Jérémy
- Nazarov Sergei A
DOI : 10.1007/s00033-022-01736-6 -
Robust treatment of cross points in Optimized Schwarz Methods
- Claeys Xavier
- Parolin Emile
DOI : 10.1007/s00211-022-01288-x -
Convergence d'un couplage élastique-acoustique FEM-BEM itératif, global en temps
- Nassor Alice
- Chaillat Stéphanie
- Bonnet Marc
- Leblé Bruno
- Barras Guillaume
Méthode des éléments de frontière pour la mécanique des failles et le contrôle sismique
- Bagur Laura
- Chaillat S.
- Semblat Jean-François
- Stefanou Ioannis